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How To Sell Your Home a Successful Seller’s Guide

Home Seller

Selling your home is much easier when you have covered the basics by preparing yourself and the home for sale. Please take the time to read through this information. It will make a big difference to your overall experience and will arm you with the knowledge needed to greatly increase your chances of selling your property on your own.
We have provided this guide in an easy-to-follow format on this page.

Presale preparations – take on a business-like attitude.

When you sell your home, you take on two roles. First, as the seller, you become what is called the Vendor. Like any other vendor, you must keep your shop/home in order. Appearing organized and at ease will provide a pleasant experience for the buyers when they come to check out your home.

Your second role is that of the Salesperson. As the Salesperson, you must know everything about the property. There is probably no one better to show your property to prospective buyers than you, so have some fun while you do it! This is one of the main reasons our past customers have enjoyed selling their own homes. If you think about it, who do you trust the most to show off your most valuable asset to prospective buyers?

If you hire a real estate agent, you have to put your trust in them to show your home to buyers properly, and the reality is that they know a LOT less about your home than you do. When you’ve hired a “full service” agent to sell your home, they don’t even want you around while they show your property, opting to stumble through the questions that arise from buyers during the showing that you’re not allowed to attend.

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Using our Flat Fee posting service puts YOU in direct contact with the buyers as they tour your home and completely removes the typical barriers that agents have been putting between buyers and sellers for years.

Conducting an initial evaluation of the property will help you prepare for the sales role. Being honest about the property will solicit respect from the buyers and set the tone for a more open dialogue with the buyers you interact with during the sales process. Many buyers inform themselves, and they may spot problems anyway. Avoiding direct questions will only lead to mistrust and a possible missed sale. Do your best to answer the buyer’s questions, and always offer to cooperate with any needed professional opinion(s) regarding your home that a buyer has asked for. This will build trust in your relationship with your buyer.

Be prepared for inquiries. With an internet listing, you essentially have an “open house” 24 hours a day, and you need and want to be accessible to those who wish to have a closer look. Ensure that you check your voicemail whenever you miss a call and that you can always leave messages on whichever phone you have the calls going to. This is something you should keep in mind while selling your own home. When a potential buyer contacts you to ask questions or book a viewing, you need to jump on it immediately. Make yourself readily available and on their schedule whenever possible.

Get Ahead of any possible issues you are not aware of.

Feel free to order an inspection of your property. Obtaining an inspection of your property from an accredited (CAHPI) company will provide you with an itemized list of any issues that need your attention. If any concerns are discovered, they can be addressed before offering your home to buyers. If there isn’t enough time to fix the problem(s), or if you are faced with a seasonal timing challenge, you can constantly adjust your price based on the estimated cost to repair them. It’s better to be upfront with your buyer about everything the inspector found, and it will help you sleep better knowing that you’re acting in good faith throughout the entire process.

Many buyers will either need or want an inspection before moving ahead with the purchase of a property. If your inspection is clear of any issues, it will give you and the buyer a higher level of comfort, building trust between both parties. You can also provide your buyer with a copy of the report once you have accepted their offer, which may help reduce the time it usually takes to close a deal.

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Realtor® Tip: If you wish to employ the services of a professional property inspector, be careful which company you choose. Ensure that the firm is fully certified (CAHPI) and has experience in the industry, complete with verifiable references.

If you decide to examine your property yourself to identify any repairs it may need, objectively view your property as an inspector, then as a prospective buyer. It might be an excellent opportunity to see your friends and family, so invite them to come over and objectively criticize your property. They will find things you may need to look into due to your over-familiarity with the property.

Once the inspection is complete, you can determine the time and cost of repairing any damaged or worn areas on the property identified in the report. Many repairs will likely cost little or nothing and require minimal time to tidy up. For items specified as “major repairs,” you must decide whether or not it will be worth spending the money to have a professional fix it or embark on a DIY mission to your local home improvement store.

A couple of hundred dollars spent on fixing cracked sidewalks, mending a broken fence, and a fresh coat of paint here and there could be the difference between selling and not selling your home within whatever reasonable time frame you have determined. If you have identified severe damage (i.e. worn and weathered shingles, rotting window sills), you should investigate fixing it whether you are selling your house or not.

Ignoring major repairs can lead to high costs in the future. You may have to make phone calls to determine how much some repairs will cost. Do so and create a budget. Staple the budget to the completed Property Evaluation Checklist. If you don’t have the time to fix any of these items, having a proper list completed with the estimate to repair them can help you explain the issues to a prospective buyer. It shows that you are organized and knowledgeable about your home.

Conducting an initial evaluation of the property will help you prepare for the sales role. Being honest about the property will solicit respect from the buyers and set the tone for a more open dialogue with the buyers you interact with during the sales process. Many buyers inform themselves, and they may spot problems anyway. Avoiding direct questions will only lead to mistrust and a possible missed sale. Do your best to answer the buyer’s questions, and always offer to cooperate with any needed professional opinion(s) regarding your home that a buyer has asked for. This will build trust in your relationship with your buyer.

Be prepared for inquiries. With an internet listing, you essentially have an “open house” 24 hours a day, and you need and want to be accessible to those who wish to have a closer look. Ensure that you check your voicemail whenever you miss a call and that you can always leave messages on whichever phone you have the calls going to. This is something you should keep in mind while selling your own home. When a potential buyer contacts you to ask questions or book a viewing, you need to jump on it immediately. Make yourself readily available and on their schedule whenever possible.

Property Evaluation Checklist

This is a Critical Step in the Process

Realtor® Tip: If you obtain an appraisal of your property, ensure it is from an accredited company that mainstream banks and mortgage institutions will accept.

Many buyers will be asked to produce an appraisal of the property by their financial institution before committing to funding. Obtaining an appraisal will ensure that your property’s asking price is reasonable. It’s worth its weight in gold when you can show it to potential buyers. Not only will it show your buyer that you are asking a fair price, but it can also reduce the time it takes to close the deal if you provide them with a copy once you have accepted their offer.

The #1 Reason that properties listed for sale eventually fail is incorrect pricing.

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Even if you plan on having an appraisal done on your property, the following paragraphs cover some important things to consider before obtaining one.

Setting your price too high can be just as bad as setting it too low. Continuous fluctuations in the marketplace determine property prices, not by your emotional attachment or simply by what you feel your home is worth. To establish a realistic price for your home, objectively compare the price, features and condition of as many of the similar homes around your neighbourhood that you can find that have sold in recent months. It is also vital for you to consider the terms of each potential sale because terms are also important, especially in today’s market.

You can conduct a complete evaluation of each part of the property by using the “Property Evaluation Checklist” to ensure a thorough examination. You may not need to fill out everything in the list, but try to be as specific and objective as possible. Write down a simple phrase that describes the feature of the home.

Here are some of the phrases you should use when filling out the Property Evaluation Checklist:

  • Excellent condition
  • Good condition
  • Needs cleaning
  • Chipped, in need of repairs
  • Needs minor repair
  • Needs major repair
  • Replace

Some of the items will need more custom phrases. For example, the “capacity and type of the water tank,” etc., will require exact answers.

CMA – By a Licensed REALTOR®

Setting a Reasonable timeline in which to sell will help set a reasonable expectation for the sale.

Below are a few essential things to consider to help you set realistic expectations.

When is the earliest you can leave your home? Buyers will want to move into the new property on the move-out date of where they live. Sometimes possession dates can become a significant stress factor during negotiations. Set the earliest time you can find another home and move out. If you get offers immediately, you want to avoid getting caught off guard. An industry rule of thumb that agents use is three to four months. Use it as a benchmark and adjust it to your unique situation.

Some properties in more remote locations are in an area with fewer sales activity or are “buyer-specific” and often need more time to sell. Saturdays and Sundays should also be avoided as possession dates, as lawyers do not usually work weekends. Realtor® Tip: possession and move-in dates are not necessarily the same.

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When will you begin promoting your home through word of mouth and the local newspapers if it’s within budget? You have already decided on the Internet as a powerful marketing tool, so you have probably thought about the more conventional methods. Determine if they fit your budget, and if so, plan when you wish to begin the campaign.
Social Media is now playing an ever-increasing role in selling homes in Canada.

Make sure the house and yard are clean.

Assess each room and put any unnecessary items into storage. A cluttered room can look smaller than it is. Keep your property tidy and professional looking.

Make a tentative schedule for showing days. Sundays and Saturdays remain the most popular for open houses but try to avoid long weekends as many people are away for holidays now. Even in a seller’s market, ensure you are available for private showings on whichever day and time the buyer wants to come over. If you plan correctly, as you are doing right now, you will maximize the convenience of showing your home to buyers as much as possible. Make sure to think about taking holidays at another time.

When you sell your home and have saved yourself several thousand dollars plus the HST/GST on the commission, it will be well worth taking a holiday later.

Property Evaluation Checklist

Welcome – Please, and Thank you.

Although the buyer is a guest in your home, you want the buyer to put themselves in the position of owning the home. You don’t want to make the buyer(s) feel like an intruder or unwelcome.

Don’t expect the buyer always to remember to remove their shoes. If they still need to remove their shoes and are noticeably dirty, ask them politely to remove them. If the buyer has not removed their shoes and they appear clean, you may want to leave them alone rather than risk offending them. Don’t leave the house. Instead, offer to answer any questions they may have and tell them that you will hang back – then give them plenty of room as they move throughout your home. Many buyers won’t talk openly about your house right in front of you or with you standing too close by, so give them plenty of space.

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Ensure you have put away any valuables that are easy to grab quickly, particularly in the bedrooms. Remove any prescription medication from the bathroom if that is where it is stored, and put it away somewhere safe until the showing is over.

Don’t pressure or hurry the buyer. Please encourage them to take all the time they need.
Leave a bowl of wrapped candy or other treats on the kitchen table with a small note inviting the buyer to help themselves. You can also leave some refreshments on the table. Chilled water bottles are an excellent choice to leave out, and coffee and tea are also great refreshments to offer after the viewing.

Check the Temperature

Now is not the time to be worrying about your utility bills. If it’s cold enough to wear a sweater to stay warm, turn up the heat. If it’s warm outside, turn on the air conditioning instead. It’s better to heat or cool the house a few more degrees than usual and then set the temperature back to normal when the buyers arrive. This prevents the heat or A/C from kicking on when the buyer is present because some HVAC systems are loud. You want the temperature inside to be comfortable and give the buyer more reason to linger, especially on hot or cold days!

Create a Neutral but Pleasant Mood Throughout the House

Light a fire in the fireplace if you have one. You can make it more romantic by placing a couple of champagne glasses and chocolates on a nearby table. Turn on some soft music at low volume. If you have a water fountain, turn it on. Leave windows open if birds are chirping in the yard or other nice sounds from outside. If there is a lot of outside noise, do the opposite and keep the windows closed during the showing.

Careful with the use of Scents

Many people are allergic to certain scents and deodorizers, so don’t spray the air or plug in air fresheners. Don’t burn candles or spray perfume in the bedroom for the same reason. If weather permits, open the windows. If there is too much noise outside, close them. If your house smells like freshly baked cookies, put them out so buyers are satisfied. Some people use simmering spices, such as cinnamon, in water on the stove as a nice way to make the home smell nice.

Use Visuals

If you have seasonal photographs showcasing flower gardens, leaves bursting in colour or a snow-covered lawn twinkling from street lights, try to display them in a prominent position where they will be noticed.

Open all the window coverings to let in the light. Keep blinds partially closed that otherwise show undesirable outdoor scenery, such as a dilapidated fence or a nearby structure that obstructs views.

Light up the House

Turn on every light in the house, including appliance and closet lights—Brighten dark rooms with few windows by placing spotlights on the floor behind furniture. Turn off the TV(s) and any other things that may be distracting during the showing. Consider replacing all your bulbs with brighter ones.

Encourage Interaction

You can drape lovely fabrics such as velvet or silk throws over chair arms. Leave doors slightly ajar so buyers feel welcome to go on in. If you have carpeting, vacuum it just before the buyers arrive.

Provide Informative Cards & Property Brochures

Attach printed cards to items and in rooms that provide further information the buyer might miss or might not know. You need more time to make an impression, and using info cards can lead to questions that can help you sell the home. You can also easily print out Property Fact Sheets for your home – right from your account management section on our website.

If you have an old chandelier in your dining room, put an info card that states its age and other important details, especially if it is antique or more expensive than the buyer realizes. If you have removed the washer and dryer from the laundry room, attach a card to the wall letting the buyers know that this is the laundry room unless it is obvious.

If your basement stairs are unusually steep, attach a sign to your railings cautioning buyers to watch their steps. If you are placing a card that says: “Not included in the sale” on any items in your home – this may actually make a buyer want it, but you can always play that card to your advantage later in the price negotiations with the buyer.

Finish the Showing Off with Food

A great way to entice buyers to linger and notice even more details about your home is to offer them food, especially if it is delicious. You don’t need to cater a lunch but consider offering finger sandwiches, sweets or cookies, soft drinks, water, and desserts at the conclusion of the showing. Set out serving utensils, if needed. Provide plates, glasses, and napkins. Nothing too fancy. All in plain sight, and remember to provide a waste basket.

Encourage Buyers to Give you Feedback.

Leave pens and a stack of pre-printed questionnaire cards or a guest book to sign along with the snacks. Buyers will feel obligated to respond to your request, especially after being fed. The showing feedback you will receive will be valuable to you for the next showing if there is one.

Create an Information File

Once you have completed the Property Evaluation Checklist, locate all your documents relating to your property (original agreement of purchase and sale, deeds, transfer papers, legal documents, mortgage papers, etc.). This will help you better organize yourself. Remember, selling your home is similar to running a business; the more organized you are, the better your chances of success.

Providing accurate and detailed information about your property can help buyers learn a lot more about it – in a shorter period of time online. This is essential when you are competing with dozens of other properties that are also on the market. Highlighting key & unique features of your home, and using lots of photos for buyers, will help showcase your property much better and increase your chances of receiving inquiries from interested parties.

Forms Required to create your Listing on®

Condo for Sale

Listing Agreement with Schedule A and Optional Schedule B (Allows to advertise your listing)

Form 291 – MLS Data Form Information Form – Condo/Co-op/Co-Ownership/Time Share – Sale (Creates the MLS Listing displayed on®)

Understanding Agency Relationship (Confirms you are a customer, not a client, of the brokerage)

Residential for Sale

Listing Agreement with Schedule A and Optional Schedule B (Allows to advertise your listing)

Form 290 – MLS Data Form Information Form – Freehold – Sale (Creates the MLS Listing displayed on®)

Understanding Agency Relationship (Confirms you are a customer, not a client, of the brokerage)

Commercial for Sale

Listing Agreement with Schedule A and Optional Schedule B (Allows to advertise your listing)

Form 590 – MLS Data Form Information Form – Commercial – Sale (Creates the MLS Listing displayed on®)

Understanding Agency Relationship (Confirms you are a customer, not a client, of the brokerage)

Condo for Rent

Listing Agreement with Schedule A and Optional Schedule B (Allows to advertise your listing)

Form 292 – MLS Data Form Information Form – Condo/Co-op/Co-Ownership/Time Share – Lease/Sub-Lease (Creates the MLS Listing displayed on®)

Understanding Agency Relationship (Confirms you are a customer, not a client, of the brokerage)

Residential for Rent

Listing Agreement with Schedule A and Optional Schedule B (Allows to advertise your listing)

Form 296 – MLS Data Form Information Form – Freehold – Lease/Sub-Lease (Creates the MLS Listing displayed on®)

Understanding Agency Relationship (Confirms you are a customer, not a client, of the brokerage)

Commercial for Rent

Listing Agreement with Schedule A and Optional Schedule B (Allows to advertise your listing)

Form 592 – MLS Data Form Information Form – Commercial – Lease/Sub-Lease (Creates the MLS Listing displayed on®)

Understanding Agency Relationship (Confirms you are a customer, not a client, of the brokerage)

Other Forms you may encounter during the process

Form 202a – Seller Commission Agreement with Co-operating Brokerage For A Listed Property (Payment you have agreed to pay Buyer’s agent who brought you a buyer)

Form Ontario – Residential Tenancy Agreement (Standard form of Lease) (Required to lease Residential property in Ontario)

Importance Of Spreading The Word & Sharing Your Listing

Use Social Networking! Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Twitter are all great ways to promote that your home is for sale to friends and family and their friends and family. Social media has become an increasingly powerful and necessary tool for marketing and getting the word out to relevant audiences. With the click of a button, we’ve provided sharing tools for your listing that quickly posts it to various social media websites. It’s like “word of mouth” in a digital form. (These quick-share buttons are also found directly on your listing, which searchers can use.) An email button is also provided as a quick way of sending your property link to someone who may be interested. As a consumer, getting personal recommendations is significantly more effective than seeing a regular ad. There is much more trust and familiarity when you visit a post from someone you know, which is why social media works so well!

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Let your neighbours help choose their new neighbours. If you belong to any neighbourhood online message boards or email lists, send a hyperlink to your home’s online listing to your neighbours and let them know your home is for sale. Also, consider inviting your neighbours to your open house if you have one. And if you’ve got great neighbours, consider turning your open house into a block party. This creates additional opportunities for your neighbours to sell the neighbourhood to prospective buyers and for those same neighbours to invite friends they may know who might also like to live in the area.

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